What is Medhatter.sg
health and beauty questions you never thought to ask.
From acne to rheumatoid arthritis, cancer treatment to alternative medicine and
skincare, with the help of the medical and beauty community, we help the
curious understand availability and effectiveness minus the jargon. Pluses:
first-person experiences along with videos and sound bites whenever possible.
Target audience are the public, local and foreign, interested in a wide slew of
wellness issues, both serious and lifestyle, as well as health professionals
and product distributors.
Provides a platform for common folk to air their concerns and for suppliers to
educate and understand their customers. Visitors are linked by subject matter
rather than location, and as health matters apply to everyone, geographical
borders don’t exist.
Takes your products and services further as possible reviews and advertorials
can reach the world and potential new markets. Customised content can dovetail
with hot topics and individual directions. Feedback is easily and immediately
gathered and clients’ social media presence enhanced.
The Web Producer is responsible for keeping the Medhatter website current with daily fresh content and general maintenance.
Specific duties include:
· Draft 10 new articles for web content / video on daily and weekly basis
· Using Drupal CMS, update all areas of the website and post new articles and blog posts
· Modify images with image software such as Photoshop
· Put together and send e-newsletters through MailChimp software
· Create statistics reports for MH site, newsletters and campaigns with Google Analytics as well as taking screenshots for campaigns
· Upload advertising banners using AdButler software
· Post new content daily
· Create campaign mock-ups/screenshots using our drupal cms beta site
· Create surveys/polls/contest entry forms as needed with SnapApp software and SurveyMonkey software
Related Job Searches:
- Company:
Medhatter.sg - Designation:
Web Producer - Profession:
Editorial / Linguist / Writing - Industry:
Creative / Media