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- Is repeated (with similar job roles/skills to another listing from your company) within a week. If you have multiple locations or pay types for a similar position, you can state them in the job description of a single listing. Over-posting similar jobs may have your existing listings removed and future listings automatically rejected by our system.
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If your company needs an intern/job candidate, please complete the form below to submit your request. For editing or closing your existing listing, please click here. (This form is only for company use, for students/job applicants, please apply for your internship/job here.)
Listing is free, but you are kindly requested to fill in all fields properly. To help maintain the quality of our listing, kindly note that we may reject any listing that: you ** ****!
- Uses fictitious or non-registered names for company name / contact name.
- Contains any information that is inaccurate, too brief, inappropriate, or not formatted properly.
- Is repeated (with similar job roles/skills to another listing from your company) within a week. If you have multiple locations or pay types for a similar position, you can state them in the job description of a single listing. Over-posting similar jobs may have your existing listings removed and future listings automatically rejected by our system.
- Is an unpaid or commission-only internship/job, or selling any service or product to applicants.
- Contains possibly unfair, discriminatory selection criteria [?]
- Due to overwhelming spam listing, we no longer accept free listing using emails from free email providers (e.g. gmail, hotmail, etc) [?]
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Agent Note This position is posted on behalf of a client by a third party agent.
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